
🔥Lock this recipe‼ ️🍋Babaluya is no longer egg drop soup‼ ️|||Lemon Babalua is really delicious if you make it successfully. The texture is really refreshing. With the biscuit base and filling, you won』t get tired of eating it. It』s sour and sweet, and the mousse paste is filled with boiled lemon. Sauce, the taste is fresher, come and try it👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Biscuit base:
80g biscuits
30g butter

Lemon curd filling:
100g lemon juice
1 lemon peel
2 eggs
5 grams of gelatine tablets (vegetarians can use Geely T instead)
120g fine sugar
30g butter

Mousse liquid:
130g light cream
250g milk
50g lemon curd
3 egg yolks
40g fine sugar
7.5g gelatine tablets (vegetarians can use Geely T instead)

Lemon jelly layer:
50 grams of water
5 grams of lemon juice
10 grams of fine sugar
A little lime zest
2 grams of gelatine tablets (vegetarians can use Geely T instead)
🌟How to do🌟

1️⃣Crush 80 grams of biscuits, pour in melted butter, stir evenly, pour into a mold, compact and store in the refrigerator for later use.
2️⃣2 eggs, add 120 grams of caster sugar and mix well. Add 100 grams of lemon juice and lemon peel. Heat over low heat and stir continuously until thickened. Turn off the heat and add 30 grams of butter and stir until melted.
3️⃣When the temperature drops to warm, add 5 grams of soaked gelatine slices, mix well (gelatine slices (vegetarians can use Geely T instead), remember to soak them in cold water in advance), filter, and reserve 50 grams of lemon curd for later use. Pour the rest into the mold and put it in the refrigerator to freeze.
4️⃣Add 3 egg yolks to 40 grams of fine sugar and stir evenly. Heat 250 grams of milk until bubbles appear at the edges. Turn off the heat. Slowly pour into the egg yolk paste. Stir evenly while pouring. Then pour into the milk pot. Stir continuously over low heat to the edges. When it bubbles, turn off the heat, wait until the temperature drops to warm, then add 7.5 grams of gelatine slices (vegetarians can use Geely T instead) and stir evenly
5️⃣Add 50 grams of lemon curd to the egg yolk paste, and whip 130 grams of light cream until lines appear. Stir evenly, pour a small amount of mousse liquid, freeze in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, take it out, then add the frozen lemon curd sandwich, and pour Add the remaining mousse paste and refrigerate for 15 minutes
6️⃣50g warm water➕5g lemon➕10g caster sugar➕a little lime peel and mix well, add softened gelatine slices (vegetarians can use Geely T instead), mix well, pour into the mousse and refrigerate for 3 hours

1️⃣When pouring the milk, be sure to stir it while pouring‼ ️Otherwise it will easily turn into egg drop soup‼ ️
2️⃣Be sure to heat the milk pot over low heat throughout, and stir while heating, otherwise it will easily turn into egg drop soup‼ ️Successful Babalua solidified mousse should be cut into a smooth cut surface
